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Why You Need To Create Your Own Space in The Market

Let us be honest, by and large it is a crowded market. The likelihood that your product or service is so unique that you do not have any competition is as rare as a Fremantle Dockers premiership :)!! We need another Real Estate Agent (not), nor do we need another Coffee Shop, yet, new market entrants are constantly making an impact. How can you make an impact with your product or service and this podcast will discuss how!     Transcript: In this particular  podcast, I’m going to tell you about a question that I received from a subscriber. It’s a great question,  And I thought the answer would be very interesting, not only to him but to you.  The

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The Crime Of Deadly Positioning

When you position yourself in the market as infallible, you’ll stop taking risks in order to avoid looking bad, and this will be the beginning of your end.  Staying relevant is so important in business. You must be at the front of people’s minds every day and all of the time.  The best way to do that is to always be trying something new or cool, and creating an atmosphere where people want to know what you’re up to and how it’s going. Take a listen to my latest podcast.   Transcript:  When you position yourself in the market as infallible, you’ll stop taking risks in order to avoid looking bad, and this will be the beginning of your end. 

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How to keep improving your Offer

Is your offer really finished?  Is the funnel complete?  Is there something more you can add?  Ask these three questions all the time, even when you have an amazing funnel.  At any point in the sales process, you can do more if you just ask yourself the question “what else can we do?”  Find out more…   Transcript:   Is your offer really finished?  Is the funnel complete?  Is there something more you can add?  Ask these three questions all the time, even when you have an amazing funnel.  At any point in the sales process, you can do more if you just ask yourself the question “what else can we do?”  If people click on your landing page but

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Seeking Pleasure and Avoiding Pain

All humans either move away from pain or towards pleasure – this podcast outlines how to get into the heads and conversations of your customer and prospects and find out which way they are heading.   Transcript: We individuals are very simple folk. We do things really mainly for two distinct motivations. Either to move away from the pain, or to move towards pleasure.  Now, we have to keep that firmly in our minds when we put together our  sales and marketing initiatives. So, what I ask my clients to do when I take on a contract is to spend a lot of time getting to understand what are the pain points that people are moving away from, that this

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How to Protect Yourself from Distractions

What is that new business idea or shiny object costing you in terms of focus? Stores like Coles and Woolworths only have a certain number of shelves. Every single item placed on their shelves is sharply judged based on performance. If a product doesn’t do well, it’s removed from the shelf to make room for a better option. They are protective of their shelf space. But in consulting or the service industry, it’s harder to see this principle in action. Our products are intangible or digital. Our shelf space is between our ears, in our minds.   Transcript Protect Your Shelf Space What is that new business idea or shiny object costing you in terms of focus? Stores like Coles and Woolworths only

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The Formula That is the Ultimate Governor in Your Business

Responsibility equals control and control equals responsibility. Or as a formula it is R=C & C=R Now this might seem very simplistic to some people. But the importance of this formula and how the average entrepreneur applies it day to day can dramatically improve circumstances. Listen to my latest podcast to learn how.     Transcript: This formula is like the ultimate governor, here’s why… This simple formula – Responsibility equals control and control equals responsibility – is so true but only to the degree that you are prepared to accept responsibility for any situation. So, by accepting responsibility means you can exert control over the situations you find yourself in. I first heard this formula from Mr Dan Kennedy

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Harry Houdini, Anthony Robbins and Mr Beast go into a Bar!

Are you looking for some great ways to influence and persuade your customers and followers to take action?  Then, it is best you take a leaf out of Anthony Robbins or Harry Houdini’s or even Mr Beast’s playbook. Introducing the powerful concept of “dramatic demonstration”. Listen to my latest podcast to find out more.   Transcript:   Imagine having 171.9 million subscribers on YouTube with a total views of 22 billion. What sort of influence do you think you could have? Enter Mr Beast the 23-year-old American Youtuber Jimmy Donaldson, an icon of total dedication to his art. Even though he has been credited with pioneering a genre of YouTube videos that centre on expensive stunts, this  is an age

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The Giant, Growing Availability of Unicorns and Why Your Business Needs Them.

Transforming your business to market to, appeal to, and attract the affluent, will transform your income, security, and your business life. Marketing to the wealthy and the top-end-of-town is a passion and expertise of mine – take a listen to my latest podcast.   Transcript:   I have helped countless entrepreneurs transform their businesses into empires and make millions of dollars faster than they ever thought possible. My recent work with entrepreneurs and marketers has been more impactful than anything I’ve ever done. I’ve been guiding, pushing, prodding and nagging them to reinvent themselves to specifically focus on marketing to the wealthy and the top-end-of-town. To get very, very rich, you need to see where the most money is and

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Lifelong Learning

If you want to succeed in marketing you have to constantly keep your eyes and ears open and never stop learning.  In this episode of my podcast I outline a recent lesson I learnt thanks to an outreach email I had received. Take a listen. Transcript: If you want to succeed in marketing you have to constantly keep your eyes and ears open and never stop learning.  In this episode I outline a recent lesson I learnt thanks to an outreach email I had received. Here Is the Email Hi Peter, I know you’re busy so I’ll cut right to it. I’m reaching out to high-quality sites that feature great ways to get better leads.  I came across your post: https://petergianoli.com/get-better-leads/ and

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Get Client Referrals on Purpose and Not By Accident

To woo affluent clients the best weaponry is to repeatedly offer “bragging rights experiences” to your customer and client base.  The hospitality industry has been doing this for years. In this podcast I outline the 3 key steps to success.   Transcript:   For people like me in marketing it is a very unwelcome fact: the higher up the financial food chain you go in search of clientele, the less likely you are to obtain a customer, client, or patient through advertising, direct mail, or other proactive outreach.  Oprah Winfrey does not look on Google for a chiropractor, nor will she be motivated by a late night TV ad. If she has back pain, she’ll reach out to her network

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